Welcome to Breathe with Ease. You don’t have to be suffering from asthma or a breathing condition to benefit from the age old wisdom you will find here. Breathing ineffectively is so closely linked with states of anxiety and stress which can be at the heart of many health conditions. When you learn how to breathe effectively and live in a way to support improved breathing you can radically transform your life and your health. Breathing is a behaviour that is easy to retrain.
Discover how to experience a deeper state of peace and inner Presence by learning how to Breathe with Ease.
Breathing is such a fundamental part of everyone’s health, and sadly it is often overlooked when it comes to health care. Take the steps to rediscover your health naturally…
To celebrate asthma awareness day if you sign up to my newsletter you will receive discount codes for the book and online training program for this week only!
If you would like to know more about how to improve your health through your breathing Alison will be running a “Finding the Space to Breathe” series of Meditation workshops with her Husband Thomas Waring this summer. Sign up to the newsletter to be the first to find out…
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Turn around your health in 8 weeks
The Breathe with Ease book and online program look holistically at five aspects of your health.
Each purchase of the book gives you access to a BONUS online video training.

Part 1
In Part One of the book, we look at The Body and how to breathe effectively and how you can reduce the stress response in your system along with some simple stretches to make your breathing more effective.
Part 2
In Part Two of the book, we focus on The Emotions and how your emotions affect your breathing and how your breathing can have a direct effect on your emotions. You will learn ways to use the breath to deal with strong emotions and work with your emotional body rather than against it.
Part 3
In Part Three of the book, we look at Nutrition. What you eat can have a direct effect on how well you breathe. Looking at foods that will support healthy breathing is key here and how to support yourself through healing crises without having to suppress your body’s natural attempts to heal.
Part 4
In Part Four of the book addresses The Mind. You will learn how to induce self-hypnosis and work with mindfulness exercises to enhance the level of relaxation you can experience which helps improve the effectiveness of the breathing exercises.
Part 5
Part Five focuses on retraining The Breath. Breathing is a behaviour and unlike other behaviours it is one of the easier ones to change. You will be guided through a four week program to retrain your breathing so that you can learn how to breathe with ease without it being a conscious effort. You will be shown you how to use Dynamic Breath Release to uncover and release old stored emotional tension in the body so that you can find a new freedom to rediscover health naturally and breathe with ease….
The Breathe With Ease Method

A lot of today’s stress-related symptoms can be deeply affected by the way we breathe.
This book shows you how to optimise your breathing so you can release the natural vitality of your
Stepping Stones to Health Mastery
The Stepping Stones to Health Mastery is an 8-week online programme that takes you through the steps to health mastery in each chapter of the book with a narrated powerpoint video for each chapter giving you a way of applying what you have read into your daily life.
Breathe With Ease Method
A 4-week (re)training program that enables you to retrain your breathing based on the Buteyko Method approach, including extra information about how to work with your emotions and the breath. This process can help alleviate asthma and anxiety. It includes six instructional videos and four guided meditation videos that will pace your breathing to the optimal rate whilst guiding you through daily exercises with music and a meditation.